Short Sales to Wealth for Investors will direct you

"to Identify Investments that
will bring you

Sales to Wealth will provide access to our exclusive database, comprised of pre-foreclosure properties in your target area/county!
As Real Estate Investors, Short Sales to Wealth will direct you to source/originate funds allowing you to purchase and rehab real estate at highly competitive rates.
Exclusive access for you to leverage our in house expediting team to resolve municipal violations and assure a seamless turnover

Exclusive insight, tools & strategies for investors under one roof!

Yes, Partnering With Short Sales To Wealth Provides You With The Insight And Strategies You Need To Build, Scale and Grow While Overcoming YOUR Challenges!

Leverage our understanding of the metrics that make a distressed property a sound investment vehicle!
Know when in a negotiation the transaction stops making sense for you as an investor to continue!
Dispute rejections and counter offers with competent due diligence that goes well beyond an appraisal or BPO!

Achieve Your Goals

The greatest hazard faced by any real estate investor is spending too much time on a property. Unforeseen issues such as encroachment, certificate of occupancy, violations, etc. will be identified and brought to light by the professionals at SSTW. After all, the main job of an investor is not to baby sit a transaction, but to continually generate business!

Long Term Value, Increased Rate of Return

The relationship SSTW builds with each investor is calibrated around what maters most: your rate of return. Together we will review your risk tolerance, and time frame while alerting you to any potential pitfalls or hazards.

Short Sales to Wealth Efficiently Assures Moving Your Investments Forward!

Our efficiency in processing and arbitrating risk within a streamlined platform makes everything from submission to closing effortless.

Avoid being tied up in a transaction while watching profitable deals go by!

Investors who specialize in small multi-unit storefronts with mixed-use properties
Investors in the 1-4 family residential real estate space
Hands off investors that prefer co-ops, condos or townhouses with a Homeowner Association

Most regular folks do not know that a seller needs to be qualified for a short sale to avoid a deficiency agreement. Short sales are not automatic and deficiency agreements were not uncommon 20 years ago. In today’s culture no one wants to sell their home and still make partial payments on the remaining balance, it defeats the purpose of the seller executing a short sale.

Experienced investors will ask this question to get a gauge on time frame the processing will take. Since the expiration of the HAFA guidelines it is not uncommon for lenders to disagree on proceeds.

Also, investors will disclose junior mortgages, judgements, liens, and other clouds on the title only upon renewal of a full title report and when the first mortgage approval is about to expire.

Experienced real estate investors ask this question to gauge a property’s challenges. An owner occupied property is generally in better condition. Tenant occupied properties may have more of a delay in deliverance of vacancy and are more prone to damage by way of neglect. Vacant properties are exposed to and certain unforeseen circumstances like extreme weather or squatters. These are factors that increase a deal’s timeline and will eat into an investor’s potential profit.

This matters because certain underwriters will not facilitate what is termed “excessively delinquent”. Sellers and the servicer may process all the paper work for months only to be declined when the transaction is sent for investor approval resulting in a complete waste of time and resources. A seller’s stages of delinquency can limit the “life lines” they have available that can be used to delay the foreclosure.

A short sale happens when the seller’s ability to repay the loan has been diminished and when the value of the property has been reduced due to market conditions, damage or wear and tear. The bank requires specific documentation from the seller and complete diligence on the value of the property. It is usually required that the transaction be arms-length and all compensation to the seller disclosed and approved.

On a short payoff, the mortgage could be current and the seller would still have the ability to repay the loan but the property is deemed over-leveraged. The seller may opt for a negotiated deficiency. Also, a short payoff does not necessarily have to be an arms-length transaction, for example estate to beneficiary or family member can be permissible.